
Sergio Pablos Animation animates the "Klaus" trailer with TVPaint

Several shots in the Sergio Pablos Animation demo reel show artists at SPA working on the "Klaus" promotional trailer with TVPaint Animation .


Klaus Rough Animation Reel from Jorge A. Capote on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

The new Klaus feature will be made with Toonboom though..
Toonboom has a much higher learning Curve, and is not as user friendly
for traditional Animation as TV-Paint.
Is it because of the special Lightning Options the new Harmony version has?

Budge Saint-Clare said...

"Is it because of the special Lighting Options the new Harmony version has?"

I think it had more to do with the ToonBoom Co. providing financial (and technical) support for SPA Studios at a level that the smaller TVPaint Co. could not provide. However, as I understand it , the special lighting in 'Klaus' was a proprietary blend they cooked up using various compositing software such as Nuke and After Effects , although they may also have used some of the effects nodes in Harmony after they switched from TVPaint to Harmony. But I think they already had their special lighting and texturing system in place before Harmony entered into the picture , as can be seen by the 'Klaus' teaser trailer.